Firstly, I am extremely pleased to share the news that Ramsgate Free School has been granted planning permission for their new site on Newington Road. This has been a long and challenging process for Mr Budge and the academy trust and we are very excited to see the old buildings come down and the new school go up. The actual physical work will begin after Christmas.
You will have received the letter from Mr MacFarlane and Mrs Lewis by email this week which outlined the content of the recent information meeting regarding Ramsgate Free School. I would like to add some further detail to the actions that were outlined.
Pedestrian Congestion – We are considering how to ease the traffic flow along the back of the school by the year 3 and 4 classrooms and will communicate the plans when they have been finalised. Any changes to end of school arrangements will start from January and will all be aimed at keeping all of the children using the school site safe.
Parent Reps – the format of these meetings will be adjusted so that a greater number of parents can contribute. We will also be involving school governors in these opportunities for communication with parents. Mrs O’Grady will be leading the new initiative with the support of the Leadership Team and again, once all is in place, full details will be published.
Pedestrian Path – I will continue to do all that I can to engage Thanet District Council on this matter.
Library - The school monitors have been put in charge of arranging library furniture that may be moved around and then put back during the course of different activities in the library. A brand new library club has just started and they would like to form a reading buddies club. They will be planning for this very soon.
Correspondence for the Head of School:
Mr Alex McAuley
c/o Chilton Primary School,
Chilton Lane,
Kent. CT11 0LQ
Contact the school office on:
01843 597695
or by fax on:
01843 852872
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