Billing and Payments

water tower and city hall

Please find below information about the City of Belleville's water and sewer services rates, frequently asked questions and more.

New Customers

To set up a new water and or sanitary account – including properties with new homes. Please use our online applications for residential water service:

If you have purchased a commercial property in the City of Belleville, you will need to fill out a Commercial Service Contract.

Existing Customers

Please access your eServices account by visiting:

Payment Options

Send your cheque to:

The City of Belleville

Water Customer Service

Belleville, ON K8N 5B6

Online Services

View Bills Online

Connecting to City Services - New Installations

Learn more about how to connect to municipal water and sanitary sewer services including how to apply, connection fees and more.

Closing an account

If you are a property owner and have sold or rented your property, or a tenant who is moving out of you current residence, please complete the form to close your account.

Bill Calculation

Metered Charges
First 455 cubic meters $1.99/m3
Next 22,275 cubic meters $1.52/m3
Over 22,730 cubic meter $0.91/m3

Residential Sewer surcharge is 95.5% applied to the water consumption and service charges.

General Service Sewer surcharge is 95.5% applied to water consumption and service charges on the first 22,730 cubic meters and 60% after 22,730 cubic meters.

Month Fixed Charges
Meter Size in inchesService ChargesFire Protection
5/8 $26.46 $6.30
¾ $26.46 $6.30
1 $29.11 $8.35
1 ½ $42.34 $16.69
2 $55.57 $25.07
3 $82.03 $41.78
4 $150.56 $83.54
6 $251.37 $146.18
8 $357.21 $208.89
10 $476.54 $290.15

A garden sprinkler uses 1,000 litres of water per hour

A ten-minute shower uses around 90 litres of water

A single-flush cistern toilet uses 9 to 11 litres per flush

A dripping tap can waste up to 200 litres per day

Why do the Rates Change?

Water Consumption

Your residential water consumption will change depending on the number of people living in the home and the amount of time you spend at home.


There are two easy tests to tell if your toilet is leaking. A leaking toilet can waste 100's of cubic meters a month and is the number one cause of high water bill.

Take a walk through your home to check for leaking faucets. Do not forget to check your outside tap.

Water Meters

Water Meters are the property of the City of Belleville and are installed by Water staff. There is no charge for the meter or installation work. Most services are a 5/8 inch meter, which is normally installed where the water supply enters the building. It is your responsibility to make sure enough heat is in the meter location to avoid meter damage. If a meter must be replaced due to damage, a fee will apply. Please refer to schedule “B” of the By-Law.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should I call if I have a question about my bill?
Water Customer Service billing staff 613-966-3657 ext. 7
Who should I call if I want to make payment arrangements?
Water Customer Service collection staff 613-966-3657 ext. 2243
How often will I get a water bill?
Water bills are sent bi-monthly for residential customers and monthly for commercial customers.
I can't find Belleville Water on my online banking
Try searching the word “water” or “city of Belleville”
Who do I call if there is a problem with my water meter?
For concerns about meter functionality please call Water Distribution Customer Service Foreman 613-966-3657 ext. 2279
I signed up for e-billing but haven't received a bill?
Check your junk or spam mail folder.
How can I get a copy of the Water and Sewer Rates brochure?
Physical copies of the City of Belleville's Water and Sewer Rates brochure is available by contacting:Water Customer Service at 613-966-3651 ext. 2265 or 2266


The Water Finance and Customer Service section is responsible for water and wastewater billing, collections, payment processing and customer service.

Water Customer Service Office
183 Pinnacle Street
Belleville, ON K8N 3A5
Telephone: 613-967-3200 ext. 2230
Fax: 613-969-1944